和平使命 发表于 2006-10-15 12:07:53


《我曾经爱过你》&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i love you once <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i love you once,nor can this heart be quite. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; for it would seem that love still lingers there. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; but do not you be further troubled by it. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i would in no wise hurt you ,oh,my dear. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i loved you without hope ,a mute offcender. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; what jealous pangs,what sky despairs i knew. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a love as deep as this ,as true ,as tender. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; god grant another may yet offer you. <BR><BR>《我曾经爱过你》 <BR>[俄] 普希金&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>-------------------------------------- <BR>我曾经爱过你。 <BR>爱情, <BR>也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消息; <BR>但愿它不会再打扰你; <BR>我也不想再使你难过悲伤。 <BR>我曾经默默无语毫无指望地爱过你, <BR>我既忍受羞怯, <BR>又忍受着嫉妒的折磨; <BR>我曾经那样真诚那样温柔地爱过你, <BR>但愿上帝保佑你, <BR>另一个人也会像我一样爱你。<BR>
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